Monday, March 21, 2011

A Mirror! Ummm... what is that? Innnnnn... Grandma's...

A finger on Mommy.

My name. That's a window. A dark window. I don't want to say my name. That's naughty.
You say my name!
That's a plant. Grandmaw's plant
Oh, that's a ground.

Well, I can do that. A triangle. That's my foot again!

That's a pretty picture! I was in there a long, long time.

That picture is a rectangle.

That's a chair. That's why we like that!

I don't know? A chair. A chair.

Your Shock! That's my sock. Your sock.

I donnnnnnnnnnnn.... a living room! That's Grandma's living room!

That's Papa's wor..., ummm... that's Papa's work!

Hmmm, a Couch. Umm, there's umm..., a pillow and a blanket.

That's a table. I don't know. I just don't know!

That's Grandma's bike! Um.. blankets in the basket, though.

A light? A light.

That's a pillow on a couch. I - Love - You!

A pull-ant?

Awww... those are pretty!

I took a picture of THAT!

That's Papa's, ahhhh... hmmm.... I don't know!

A doggy. Oh! Grandma DO have a doggy!

That my foots and my jammies.
Ummmm... that's my foot!

That's a kitchen ground. You already did this.

A finger. That's kind of hard.

Oh, I don't know.

That's you! Ummm... that's someone else. Daddy, that's enough!
That's, uh..., Papa!

I don't know. It looks like a kitchen. That's called a kitchen.

Ohhh, you found Mommy! That's a kitchen too!

Thaaaaaat's uh-me.

That's... I happy!

That's Me!! K-A-Y-L-E-E. Daddy, my name is K-A-Y-L-E-E!
I in the car sitting down.
Oh that's Mommy! Um, that's go round. That's the floor and that's Mommy.
I want to see the other picture.

Okay, that's a kitchen!

He-he! I have chocolate, Daddy! Daddy look! I have chocolate on my face!

Um... I don't know where that is. Ummm... it's the playground at Grandma's house!
That's all.

Um, that's you and Mommy! I want to spell your name.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Chad! And awesome job taking pictures, Kaylee! Very interesting, and a lot of fun. Keep posting! What a great idea.
